Friday, April 2, 2010

UMRLAC water quality monitoring program site gets Yellahoose-powered update

April 2010 - The website for the Upper Merrimack River Local Advisory Committee's river water quality monitoring site got some modest but value-added and really neat updates this month, thanks to program and sampling managers and Yellahoose.

First step was databasing existing monitoring location and E. coli sampling data. Yellahoose built a simple relational database in MySQL on the UMRLAC server and populated it with data provided by UMMP Sampling Supervisor Steve Landry.

Building an entirely new user interface was out-of-scope and budget for this round of revisions, but updating the existing UI to make use of the database, and to add great new features, like enhanced mapping and interactive charting using Google APIs, was an easy set of tasks for Yellahoose.

Finally, Yellahoose developed more user-friendly tools to the UI using Dojo -- and, last but not least, reCAPTCHA was added to newsletter and listserv sign-up forms.


Upper Merrimack River Local Advisory Committee UMMP sites and FaceBook page

Google visualization tools

The Dojo toolkit